

"To preserve a way of life that will soon disappear!
As a photographer I couldn't have found a finer task for myself."

ATTACHMENT (Kötődés), Péter Korniss' book of photographs taken between 1967 and 2008, opens with these words. In it we can find some of the best known pictures from his successful books HEAVEN'S BRIDEGROOM, PASSING TIMES, THE GUEST WORKER and INVENTORY, together with photographs that have never been published before, as well as some of his latest works.

The book outlines the gradual disappearance and change in the traditional East European peasant way of life and culture. Péter Korniss speaks in a personal tone with great empathy about a world which he has spent more than 40 years photographing.

"As a documentary photographer I always wanted to be objective, but I knew in myself that this was impossible. I knew that my character, knowledge and experiences determined what and how I saw something, and the way I would photograph it.
The message of the pictures was decided before I'd released the shutter."






Please take a look at the selected pictures from Attachment, The Guest Worker,
Inventory (Transylvanian Pictures)
and Hungary in the Heart Europe.